Influenced primarily by parents, peers, and other adults, most Middle and High School students are making positive choices when it comes to the use of substances — alcohol, vape, marijuana, and other drugs.
Built on the principle of Positive Community Norms and on the principle of increasing Protective Factors for all youth, Stand Up 4 U strives to increase the following Protective Factors that support youth in making healthy choices:
- Clear and consistent expectations from family, school and community about not using substances — including alcohol, vape, marijuana, and other drugs
- Recognition for positive behavior
- Supportive community — family, friends, school community
- Knowing the facts about the risks of substance use
- Limited access to substances
- Access to healthy choices
- Opportunities for positive social involvement
- Opportunities to develop problem solving skills
- Opportunities to build skills to cope with stressful events
- Awareness of Mental Health support in families, school, and community